you're not alone, and you were never alone. those people who seem to be walking right over and past you are actually people who have offered hands of hope and love in attempts to pull you up from the place that you cannot escape. although, in a situation where you have fallen ten stories down off of a building, those hands do not matter. because every single part of you inside, in that moment, is screaming and thrashing for some kind of life- but on the outside you sit absolutely still and silent, because you don't know how to tangibly manifest the overload of pain that you feel. so these people see that you have only tripped and fallen on the ground, however in reality you are laying lifeless beneath their feet. in response to what they can see, as humans they do only what they know how to do and they lend a hand to try and help you up- but despite the knowledge that their eyes give them they only see that you have taken a slight fall, even though you are paralyzed on the ground by the deathly grip of your own fundamental mind. you don't need a hand to help you stand up, you need an ambulance. every part of your body is screaming and it refuses to let go of the ground and the fantasy of sleeping beneath it. you want to blame the people, but they can only do so much. so this is where fighting for your life back is hard. because you are left to the reliance of your own self to give critical medical attention. in these seconds of unfathomable pain and distress you feel your lungs playing tricks on you, your heart mimicking the flutter of the butterflies in your stomach, and your conscious playing hide and seek. now, i will not sugar coat this, these moments are hellish, but i am here to tell you something that you do not already know, and that is that your body will regain strength and you will be able to stand up on your own. you will be able to do this because you carried yourself through the horrific, bloody, back breaking pain, and you are the reason that you are standing with hope on your shoulders and light inside of your eyes. let me make this clear...you, YOU, carried yourself to this place of peace and safety. YOU did this. YOU YOU YOU. YOU saved yourself. this may sound out of place or untrue, but i promise that this is the most honest observation and knowledge that i could ever make. you are the most powerful person and you have the ability to do anything, and to be anything. you are alive, inside of an endless cosmos, and you and i are just as carefully crafted as each star that is burning beautifully in the night sky. our conscious is influenced so that each one of us do not feel this. we are hypnotized. we are led to believe that we are powerless beings inside of an expired universe with limited abilities. but if this is the belief you are holding within your honesty, then you are living a lie. so stop. look up. you are a construct made up of a billion pieces of a divine concept created by a being who created the universe around, above, and within you. doesn't it ever blow you away that you are such an incredibly complex being, in the midst of all of this chaos, and you are doing all of this when you've never even had education in how to do it? give yourself some credit.