every 14 seconds someone commits suicide; this statistic is haunting

together we can start a movement that can create a hope that could drastically decrease the amount of suicides that are happening among our communities every single day. 14 seconds is absolutely horrifying, and knowing that there are millions of things that we could do to end this silent suffering, we have to start.  suicide isn't just committed in Hollywood under neon stage lights, behind the cameras of millionaires, and topped off with fake blood made of money. tragically, suicide is being committed all around us everyday, and people keep on suffering. if we can stand up, be a friend, lend a hand, offer hope, then why aren't we? it is time to come together and fight the stigma of the opposing classes that don't want to see us succeed. we can help save each other. there is no reason for this to continue and for us to continue to be bystanders.. i am speaking to everyone, but i am specifically speaking to the youth of this generation. the youth of the past few decades have grown up with phones in their hands, and the ability to do catastrophic things towards anyone, or themselves, that can either save a life, or end a life. the expansion of advances and widespread use of technology is affecting people everywhere. social media creates unreasonable pecking orders, allows gateways for bullying to increase exponentially, and is ruining the connections that our brains can naturally make on their own in society, which are, tragically in turn, causing anxieties that are not seen to the naked eye. i know i am not the only one who is seeking a change, so walk with me. we can do this. change is possible once we come together to act as a whole, with one purpose in mind, and the same willingness and charity in our hearts to make sacrifices for the people who are alone, without the will to fight.

let's help the world create blueprints for hope.


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